Digital Media: A Must-Have for the 21st-Century Church
“Does my ministry need an online presence?“ And, “how much of an online presence do we need?“ If you’re still asking these questions in 2019, then we definitely need to have a talk…
You don’t have to search too far before you run into a church that has realized the importance of social media for their ministry. Ministries are beginning to move beyond the church building to expand their reach in digital spaces. Thus, the reason why social media’s advantages are quite the buzz these days. It’s pretty straight forward: social media allows ministries to connect with their members as well as potential visitors.
Most churches make plenty use of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Facebook offers ministries the ability to have a conversation, relay important information to members, advertise their ministry, and live-stream their services. Instagram has many of the same features because Facebook now owns it. Even still, Instagram is perfect for showcasing behind the scenes moments and telling stories with images. Twitter, on the other hand, is perfect for capturing snapshots of the sermon’s content. In fact, pastors and preachers have even become aware of the increasing value of “tweetables,” or catchy quotes from the sermon that can be tweeted in 280 characters or less.
Yet, the need for digital integration does not stop at social media. Ministries are expanding their digital arsenal to include online giving platforms such as Pushpay, Givelify, and the Square Cash app. They are creating fully functional websites with downloadable Bible Study outlines and facility rental forms. And, of course, they are using digital cloud software to track and maintain their membership directory. In other words, churches are starting to leave the stone ages and provide more accessible ways for their members to be engaged through digital media.
So, if you’re wondering what the importance of social media is in your church and what the advantages of incorporating digital technology into the very fabric of your ministry are, the proof is in the pudding. It doesn’t matter how small or big your ministry is - you need digital media. It is important that churches realize that digital is not demonic. There are some incredible advantages to incorporating digital tech into your ministry.
And, I know, I don’t want the digital space to replace the benefit of coming together in the physical church building. I understand. But, think about it this way: if your church is live-streaming its services and people who can’t make it to the church building are still tuning in and giving to the ministry, isn’t it worth taking another look?
Many ministries have this fear and it’s a fair concern. But, digital space via live-streaming provides options for those who cannot make it to the physical church building, it expands your reach and now you are able to minister to people who live an hour-plus away, and you are still able to take up your tithes and offerings and sometimes even exceed your former projections. So, if it’s not really hurting the growth of the ministry, why not just lean into the digital wave?
Think about the ways in which your ministry uses digital media. Is there anything else you can do to expand your ability and reach? Are you giving focused attention to your digital space so it is as excellent as you desire the physical ministry to be? Now is not the time to be lax in your digital reach. Time is moving quickly and the church must be able to move right along with it. Is your church progressing forward into innovative ministry or are you stuck in the way things used to be?